Financial Freedom. The journey.

My Journey to Financial Freedom

  • I am Chris, and this is my journey towards financial freedom.
  • Description of my business – I started with a local advertising paper in 1991 and ended up with a new business, Wealth Online – that has been operational since 2023.
  • With the economic crash of 2008 I’ve lost about two pages of regular adverts. That was quite a financial knock. I couldn’t get the estate agents back and would later learn that they migrated to the digital world.
  • At this point I realized, it’s no longer the economy, but rather the technology that hampers the business. That was why I decided to take my business digital with a website and social media presence.
  • The decision to go on digital as well as Social Media platforms, led to weeks and months of research, experimentation and establishment of a digital footprint for my local advertising business. Since then I have been constantly learning more about doing business online.
  • Then came Covid-19 and I lost another bunch of advertisers. So much so I had to stop publishing on the printed platform and only publish on my website and Social media platforms.
  • This led to my exploration into the online business world and the steps I had to take towards financial freedom.

Joining the Digital World: The Shift to Online

  • The want to become financially free and my urge to help other businesses and for that matter, any person who also wants to gain financial independence and ultimately financial freedom, leads me to start my new online business called Wealth Online.
  • My website is, and focuses on helping people to gain knowledge, insight and education on how to become Financially Free via the route of doing Online Business.

Beyond Business: A Peek into My Personal Life

  • I am a keen rugby enthusiast who rarely misses a game when my teams are playing.
  • Christian values are the guideline for my life and God’s new world, his kingdom my pursuit.
  • How I practice my religion is also how I conduct my business in the marketplace of life
  • What I’ve learned from my experiences in life, is to never stop empowering myself. Stay up to date with the latest developments, trends and technology. Be always a step ahead.

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